Whitman Elementary School
Depaving day, November 20, 2021!
We had an awesome, sunny Depave day at Whitman Elementary!
We pulled up about 850 square feet of asphalt to make way for 6 tree wells, which will provide some much needed shade for the Whitman Wildcats. Our partners at UWD PreBuild ripped up an additional 1700 square feet of asphalt along SE Flavel, where we will plant more trees and native shrubs to provide shade and a noise barrier from the busy street. In total there was 2550 sf of asphalt removed, which will reduce stormwater runoff by 25,500 gallons annually.
We returned in Spring 2022 to plant trees and plants with 5th graders. Big thanks to our partners at Urban Forestry and the staff at Whitman for making this such a successful planting day.
In Spring 2023, we returned to check on the site as a part of our Green Thumbs program. We worked alongside 5th graders to do some light weeding and install an additional 113 plants to spruce up the tree wells and planting strip.
Thank you to our amazing volunteers, crew leaders, board members, and the Whitman community for making our events so successful and fun!
Date: Depaved November 20, 2021
Location: Oliver Middle School – Portland, OR
Size: 2,550 square feet
Special thanks to our project funders and partners: