community projects
Where We’ve Depaved
Depave is based in Portland, Oregon. We collaborate with community partners such as schools, communities of faith, social service organizations, and small and/or community-focused businesses to implement urban greening projects across the Portland metro region. We focus our work in areas that are underserved, where reduced pavement and increased access to greenspace will have a major positive impact on the community. Contact us if you’ve got an idea for a project.
Types of Projects
Transformation projects are typically larger and alter original site use. These projects are more complex and take a longer time and more funding to accomplish. Some examples are nature playgrounds or healing gardens. Depave reserves these transformations for frontline communities with highest need. Some recent transformation project examples are Powell Butte Elementary and NARA NW.
Retrofit projects are typically smaller and require less planning and heavy construction. Some examples include adding a few tree wells to a schoolyard to create more shade or building a bioswale in a parking lot to prevent flooding. Some recent retrofit project examples are Trinity Lutheran Church, Whitman Elementary and Plaza 122.
SE 7th & Sandy
Check out Depave’s ongoing first right-of-way project at SE 7th Ave and Sandy Blvd. in Portland, Oregon!
Peninsula Elementary School
Check out our ongoing project at Patrick Lynch Elementary School.