Depave’s annual fundraiser party.
After the success of Depave's 3rd Annual Big Break Block Party, the future Sandy Green Plaza continues serving as a public commons for artists, organizers, and neighbors. With its schedule packed through September, Depave has decided to postpone our 2024 Transformation fundraiser and celebration. Transformation will return in 2025 with all of the art, music, and revelry you’ve come to expect from our signature annual party. Stay tuned to the Depave newsletter, join us for fall planting events, and visit our redesigned website for updates.
Sponsorship Levels
Our key partners of TRANSFORMATION 2024 will receive the benefits listed beneath each sponsorship level.
Name/logo displayed prominently on Depave webpage with link to company’s website, as well as on event website
Highlighted as a Pry Bar sponsor in slideshow, to be projected throughout the evening
Logo included on event promotional materials
Promotion in social media announcements alongside fellow sponsors
2 free tickets to the event
Shared social media post featuring their business as a sponsor (1X)
Name/logo displayed prominently on Depave webpage with link to company’s website, as well as on event website
Highlighted as a Wheelbarrow sponsor in slideshow, to be projected throughout the evening
Logo included on event promotional materials
Promotion in social media announcements alongside fellow sponsors
Verbal recognition at event as our Sledgehammer sponsor
4 free tickets to Depave’s fundraising event
Logo on back of paddles during paddle raise
Individual social media post featuring their business as a sponsor (1X)
Name/logo displayed prominently on Depave webpage with link to company’s website, as well as on event website
Individually highlighted as our Sledgehammer sponsor in slideshow, to be projected throughout the evening
Logo included on event promotional materials
Verbal recognition at event as our Raingarden sponsor
4 free tickets to Depave’s fundraising event
Logo on back of paddles during paddle raise
Individual social media post featuring their business as a sponsor (1X)
Name/logo displayed prominently on Depave webpage with link to company’s website, as well as on event website
Individually highlighted as our Sledgehammer sponsor in slideshow, to be projected throughout the evening
Logo included on event promotional materials
Invitation to upcoming Depave event as a project site sponsor
Verbal recognition at event as our Paradise Maker sponsor
10 free tickets to Depave’s fundraising event
Logo on back of paddles during paddle raise
Individual social media post featuring their business as a sponsor (4X)
Featured in Depave eNewsletter (which goes out to 4,000+ audience)
Name/logo displayed prominently on Depave webpage with link to company’s website, as well as on event website
Individually highlighted as our Paradise Maker sponsor in slideshow, to be projected throughout the evening
Speaking role during the event, opportunity to share about their company at the event
Logo included on event promotional materials
Not seeing something that fits your company’s needs? Let us know! We view all of our sponsorships as partnership opportunities. We want to collaborate with you to recognize your support in the way that would benefit you most. Please reach out to your Depave connection or email Ted, Co Director, ted@depave.org.
Haley Heynderickx performing during Transformation 2023. Photos by Javier David.
Julianne Liu speaking about the Depave X NASA project during Transformation 2023.
Brown Calculus performing during Transformation 2023.
Steve Dukes introducing auction prizes during Transformation 2023.
Stass Thee Boss performing during Transformation 2022.
DJ Lapaushi performing during Transformation 2022.