Download our FREE How-to-Depave Guide
So you want to depave! And with good reason! Paved surfaces contribute to stormwater pollution, whereby rainwater carries toxic urban pollutants to local streams and rivers, greatly degrading water quality and riparian habitats. Pavement also disconnects us from our natural world.
This is a big job and before you under-take such a project it is best you know what you are getting yourself into. Before you begin, there are many aspects that need to be considered and this guide is intended as a resource to share our knowledge with others and help empower more people to take action.
Tell us a bit about yourself, then follow the link to the guide.

National & General Resources
Site Prep & Stormwater
Funding Sources
Urban Naturescaping
Portland /Oregon Resources
Site Investigation
Portland Neighborhood Map (Interactive)
Funding Sources
Project Permitting
Portland Bureau of Development Services: 503-823-7300
City of Portland – Stormwater Facility Retrofit Permit Requirements
Removing pavement between the street and the sidewalk
Forms you may need:
Site Preparation
Environmental Soil Testing - (503) 719-6715
Saw & Equipment Rental
Ted’s Tool Shed (Great Cheap Tools): 503-777-3115
Asphalt Hauling & Recycling
Hauling / Drop Boxes: List of Portland-area haulers
Asphalt & Concrete Recycling: Portland Sand & Gravel, The Wall recycled concrete wall builders
Comprehensive list of Portland Metro Region Recyclers
Excavation & Grading
Level on the Level Tractor Work: (503) 632-1722
Kees Construction: (503) 320-2508